Медицина и здоровье

витамин b12

B vitamin therapy leads to kidney function decline The Hindu

High dose B-vitamin therapy leads to a more rapid decline in kidney function and a higher rate of heart attack and stroke in patients with diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease caused by diabetes) than those who received placebo, according to a study.

Diabetic nephropathy typically affects the network of tiny blood vessels in the glomerulus, a key structure in the kidney composed of capillary blood vessels, which is necessary for the filtration of the blood.

“In addition to the personal burden, the societal burden of diabetic nephropathy is enormous, exceeding 10 billion dollars in annual medical expenditures. Despite effective therapies to slow disease progression, approximately 40 percent of the estimated 21 million patients with diabetes in the United States develop overt nephropathy. New treatment approaches to this problem are needed,” wrote the authors.

Several observational studies have shown a significant association between high concentrations of plasma total homocysteine and the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and vascular diseases, including myocardial infarction (MI; heart attack) and stroke. B-vitamin therapy (folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12) has been shown to lower the plasma concentration of homocysteine.

Dr. Andrew A. House, of the University of Western Ontario, and Dr. J. David Spence, of the Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, and colleagues conducted a study to examine whether B-vitamin therapy would slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy and prevent vascular events in 238 patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. The randomized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at five university medical centers in Canada between May 2001 and July 2007. Patients received single tablet of B vitamins containing folic acid (2.5 mg/d), vitamin B6 (25 mg/d), and vitamin B12 (1 mg/d), or matching placebo. The primary outcome was change in radionuclide glomerular filtration rate (GFR; a measure of kidney function) between baseline and 36 months. Other outcomes included dialysis and a composite of heart attack, stroke, revascularization and all-cause death. Plasma total homocysteine was measured. Participants were followed-up for an average of 31.9 months.

The researchers found that participants assigned to the B-vitamin group had a greater decrease in radionuclide GFR (and subsequently poorer kidney function) compared with the placebo group. In addition, participants randomised to receive B vitamins had a significantly greater number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, with the 36-month risk of a composite outcome, including heart attack, stroke, revascularization, and all-cause mortality that was double in the B-vitamin group, compared to the placebo group. There was no difference in requirement of dialysis.

Regarding plasma total homocysteine levels, at 36 months, participants in the B-vitamin group had an average decrease while participants in the placebo group had an average increase.

“Given the recent large-scale clinical trials showing no treatment benefit, and our trial demonstrating harm, it would be prudent to discourage the use of high-dose B vitamins as a homocysteine-lowering strategy outside the framework of properly conducted clinical research,” concluded the authors.

The study has been published in the latest issue of JAMA.

Insomnia Linked to Diabetes CBS News

“In fact it is tempting to speculate that the negative effects of multiple nights of shortened sleep on glucose tolerance can be reproduced, at least in part, by just one sleepless night.” A study by U.S. scientists published last year found that people who slept less than six hours a night were 4.5 times more likely to develop abnormal blood sugar readings in six years compared with those who slept longer

Overeating typically takes the rap for contributing to the ballooning number of people with diabetes. But the scientists speculate that if their findings on insulin resistance in this small subset of people can be extrapolated to most people, then perhaps another unhealthy aspect of this modern life-sleeping too little-could contribute as well.

And then the second study, which deals with early death: British and Italian researchers compiled 16 studies done all over the world in the course of a quarter-century to see if there was a discernible connection between sleeping too little and the risk of dying too soon. They studies they looked at surveyed people about their sleep habits and then tracked when they met their bitter end. In all, more than 1,300,000 people were part of this meta-study.

It found that those who generally slept for less than six hours a night were 12% more likely to experience a premature death over a period of 25 years than those who consistently got six to eight hours’ sleep. Evidence for the link was unequivocal, the researchers concluded.

Some researchers outside the study, though, wondered whether sleep was truly the factor causing early death. Professor Jim Horne, of the Loughborough Sleep Research Centre, said other factors may be involved rather than sleep per se. “Sleep is just a litmus paper to physical and mental health. Sleep is affected by many diseases and conditions, including depression,” he said.

Indeed, the researchers involved with the study concluded the same thing might be at work with their other finding-that not only will too little sleep raise your risk for early death, too much sleep will also up the risk. But, they say, that “too much”-more than 9 hours-might just be a symptom of something else that’s already wrong.


витамин b12

Продукты против стресса.
Также, такая рыба содержит витамин B12, нужный для образования серотонина. Богаты углеводами, которые повышают уровень серотонина. Сложные углеводы, содержащиеся в рисе, помогают дольше сохранить хорошее настроение. Эта чудо-ягода наполнена антиоксидантами и витамином С, которые важны для борьбы

Афтозный стоматит: Лечение
Врач может также назначить фолиевую кислоту, железо, или добавки витамина B12. По неизвестным причинам, у некоторых женщины могут возникать осложнения во время предменструальной фазы. В чрезвычайно тяжелых случаях, врач может рассмотреть возможность предписания кортикостероидов,

Где живут витамины для детей?
Где живут витамины для детей? Например, ранней весной, когда у многих деток начинается гиповитаминоз К тому же, каталог продуктов питания говорит, что в овощах и фруктах очень много витаминов С и Р, фолиевой кислоты и b-каротина, а вот витаминов B12, Е и D практически нет. Мясные продукты богаты витамином B12,

[01.05.2009] Молоко полезно для мозга
Причина феномена – в высоком содержании в молоке витамина B12. Люди, в организме которых его не хватает, в 2 раза чаще жалуются на плохую память, чем те, в организме которых уровень этого витамина в норме. Помимо того что витамин обеспечивает нормальное функционирование нервных клеток головного

L'Artisan Parfumeur Cote d'Amour: аромат, отмеченный эко-сертификатом
L'Artisan Parfumeur Cote d'Amour: аромат, отмеченный эко-сертификатом в концентрации туалетной воды во флаконах объемом 250 мл и в виде увлажняющего крема и мыла. В состав последних входит спирулина - сине-зеленая микроводоросль, богатая полезными для организма ингредиентами - аминокислотами, протеинами, липидами, минералами, про-витамином А, витаминами B12 и Е.

Здоровое питание улучшает настроение, память и обучаемость.
В исследовании австралийских ученых 396 детей в возрасте 6 и 12 лет получали напиток с омега-3 жирными кислотами и другими питательными веществами (железо, цинк, фолиевая кислота и витамины, B6, B12 и C). Результаты исследования свидетельствует о более высоких результатах в обучении и памяти по

Пробиотическая еда.
Ацидофил помогает: •Стимулировать выработку широкого спектра витаминов В-группы, в том числе фолиевой кислоты, ниацина, биотина, B5, B6 и B12. •Проявляет свойства натурального антибиотика, уменьшая выработку «плохих» бактерий в желудочно-кишечном тракте и инфекции дыхательных, кишечных,

Гарвардские ученые реабилитировали куриц: яйца полезны для сердца
улучшают реологические свойства крови, способствуют лизису свежих тромбов. Ученые также отмечают, что болезни сердца могут стать следствием не только повышенного холестерина, но и повышенного уровня гомоцистеина в крови. Однако витамины B6, B9 и B12, содержащиеся в яйцах, помогают бороться с

Ахатова, Юрьева и Ярошенко допинг не глотали
Эритропоэтин вызывает усиленное потребление костным мозгом железа, меди, витамина B12 и фолатов, которое приводит к снижению уровней железа, меди и витамина B12 в плазме крови, а также снижению уровней транспортных белков — ферритина и транскобаламина. Эритропоэтин повышает системное

AOT Coaches Y789DRA

06/03/10. Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham. A Volvo B12T chassis and Plaxton body.


One of the day trips to Aviemore was operated by this Volvo B12 of McPhails of Newarthill seen here in the tight coach park largely filled with cars. The kilted people were for a ski event attempt to have the most kilted skiiers in a line coming down the mountain accompanied by a kilted pipe...


On rail replacement duty

Parks of Hamilton HSK644

07/03/10. Hull Interchange, Hull. A Volvo B12M chassis and Jonckheere Mistral body.

Dodsworth, Boroughbridge N30JDC

Volvo B12 / Plaxton Excalibur C50Ft. This particular coach would be almost 14 years old now. Here N30JDC is seen in Llandudno when just 1 month old, May 1996. At the time the 3-axle 12-metre Volvo B12 would not have been that common for a single deck coach of that era. Dodsworth's obviously...

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